
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Japanese Culture Day

A group of us international students participated in "Japanese Culture Day" in Otaru on Saturday, October 30th. Below is an short video from the Otaru Journal showing a few highlights of our experience. All of the students in the video are international students with whom I share a dormitory, classes, and friendships with. I can't say enough about how generous our hosts are to have shown us traditional Japanese tea ceremony, flower arranging, and an art project. 

A short appearance by yours truly. I am recorded saying "Oishii desu" which means "very tasty" or "delicious" in English. What can I say --I am a man of few Japanese words.


  1. ;-D Did you know that they mentioned you by name ;-D

    アメリカのジェツップ・ジェイコブ・ライアンさん(23)は、「抹茶も和菓子も美味しかった。 (sorry for maybe incorrect translation: The American Jessopu Jeikopu Raian-san (23) said: Japanese Green Tee and Sweets were very delicious)

  2. ^^ they are so kinddddddd >:D<
