Japanese squat toilet |
As I tore January off my calender, February told me that I am entering my 6th month as a student immigrant in Japan. Recently, I pondered "What am I missing from The US of A?" Short of family and friends, the honest answer is not a whole lot. Okay, so shopping at the supermarket is a bit like a rummage sale -- you never know what you'll bring home. As I am advancing in the study of Elementary Japanese, I have become a slightly more informed shopper but still add to the "mystery" section of my food cupboard time and again. Pizza isn't quite the same, either. I'm doing my best to pretend the store-bought pizza here is as good as Domino's with its crisp, flaky, buttery crust and more than enough marinara to keep even the greediest sauce fiend happy. <mouth watering> All in all, the food here is really delicious. While Japanese food tastes different from American cuisine, it's not hard to find western-style food if you have a hankering.
I am happy to report that the people are still friendly and polite as I stated in an earlier post. It wasn't just the "new car scent" effect talking. I feel very fortunate to have met some very nice Japanese people who have made me feel at home in Otaru. Living in dormitory style housing has its benefits, too. Many of us international students living here have become good friends and share a lot of time together outside of class. A few of us are traveling to Tokyo and other cities in Southern Japan during our upcoming six-week vacation.
Skyping with Joslyn, Josie, and Justice on their Snow Day |
My friends and family back home never seem so far away.
Skype is such a priceless technology for anyone who is living away from home. I first used it two years ago on my first study abroad experience in Holland. Even since that time, Skype has improved dramatically and it's possible to have live video chats with anyone who is also connected -for free. Over the weekend, I was able to chat with Joslyn, Josie Joyce, and Justice. I felt like I was back in South Dakota spending quality time with the fam.
cute snapshot of your family!:D
ReplyDeleteAs a truckstop/convenience store manager, I just keep looking at that toilet and imagining how disgusting that would be to clean - - ugh!
ReplyDeleteI can't even begin to tell you how my heart dropped when I heard the devasting news of Japan yesterday morning. I am so thankful you are safe. Miss your cute mug!
Had lunch with Alicia & Jayd a couple of days ago and am excited for her visit with you! I tickled Jayd enough for you and I both ;)
Take Care & Come Back Home SOON ~ In need of one of your hugs!